Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mr. Two Step

This is the body of the most deadly snake in Costa Rica, called by the locals "Two-Step" because once it bites, you have two steps to walk until you die.  YIKES!  One of our guards smashed the head of this one, and the picture below is of its rattle tail.  Apparently when the gardener and guard saw this one, it was coiled and ready to strike.  It is so difficult to believe that such pernicious potential lurks beneath piles of leaves or in the beautiful "Green Zone" which is the beautiful garden at the back of the property.  But there you have it!  Nothing is assured in this life except death and taxes.

My last beach walk in the morning.  I love being warm all the time and prefer sweat to sweaters any day!!
Hasta luego, Bejuco!

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