I have a new guest who seems to think the top corner of my front porch is THE place to hang out, and he's made himself as yellow as he possibly can in order to camoflage himself. It's rather sweet to have another friend living here with me. These are the kinds of invisible frogs that the guides show you under big leaves when you pay your $30 for an hour's tour to learn about lizards and to see spider webs and maybe a frog or two; forgive my cynicism.
Then, there was this poor little feller, flat out on the the little road that winds around our little community here. I wished I could help him, but he looked like a goner; I think he must participate - or have participated - in the great chorus that is the dark here. We have almost exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of dark everyday, which is a good thing for those of us who love to get up at the crack of dawn (5:15) and exercise, drink coffee and be productive and then hit the sack to read by 8:30. Life is so simple when it is warm and you don't even need hot water!
I think this may be the final version of The Beast for this visit; I will wait until July when I return and can putter with it. Paintings always look different after time and distance; actually, that's when I realize what a joke it is that I even TRY to paint, but I do seem to have a drive to do it, and it is pretty harmless, even if not quite as productive as quilting. It's certainly WAY less expensive!
Today I walked the opposite direction on the beach, crossing the brackish inlet where the water was up to my waist, rushing madly with contradictory currents pulling and tugging; then, I remembered that there are crocodiles in this inlet, so I really hauled ass! I walked along the beach on the other side where there were no houses, roads or paths. At one point, I noticed a man lounging up in the debris of logs and other things washed up on the high shore. I looked closer and realized he was naked, so I walked more quickly; he very politely waited for me to pass before he moseyed on down to the water for a little dip. I surmise there are more people living on the beach than I care to know about.
Finally, this is for all my Yoga friends, especially sister Lisa who is a whiz at it. I'm not sure what pose this would be considered, but it certainly looks like it would work your core and your quads, if not that high hamstring, about which I've been meaning to ask a neighbor here who has a little chiropractice right outside his house behind a straw-like screen. As I pass, I always smell the aromatic oils he must use on his patients. He's a surfer, his wife is a runner, so I figure they must know what they or doing. Either that or they are too young to have had any serious injuries!
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