Wednesday, January 5, 2011


My wonderful friend Dena used the word "happifying" about my paintings, so because this was a particularly happifying day, I shall begin with one of happyfying images.

Today I was up at the crack of dawn to drive almost one hour to Tarcoles to go fishing with Gino who had agreed to take me for 3 hours, but when I arrived, he put me in the hands of Nemias. Maria, Gino's round and happy wife, offered me coffee, and given that I had taken off without any, the morning withdrawal headache was creedping up. When I tasted it, I almost fainted from the amount of sugar. I forgot that Ticos LOVE sweet things, and it was actually quite a blessing because without the sugar it might have been a little icky.

Before I even got onto the boat, Gino pointed out this elegant heron; I just love the way they stalk their prey and then "get down" and go for it.

Nemias turned out to be a competent, thoughtful, dimpled adonis with whom I spoke Italian which he corrected in spanish; it all worked out quite wonderfully, and we trolled around the Tarcoles cove, using a fish called Lisa as bait! That bait pulled in a big mackerel for me and a glittering amber jack. Fish were jumping wildly at one point, and Nemias told me they were "atun" but were very difficult to catch. He also told me that people live for a long, long time in Tarcoles with one woman 115 years old! I am tempted to go back to interview her because he claims she's got all her marbles, but how would I know?

Just being out on that smooth, tranquil water early in the morning was satisfying, and it wasn't one big chilly or cold. We looked across the cove to Tortuga where Gino takes people to for fishing and a day at the beach. Here is the golden jack, but you cannot see the magically golden reflections of his skin, and the vivid orange dots don't really show on the mackerel.

The sadness is that as soon as I got back home, I noticed the temperature gauge on the car was on the red mark for hot - another exciting trip to the mechanic who is turning out to be my very best of friends. Ah me, as my father used to say...

I'm thinking that a sea kayak would be JUST the thing for exploring and fishing in these quiet coves. If only I had more time this visit, but isn't all of life just preparation for WHEN we have time? It has taken me many, many years to understand that time is right now, this very second, and it deserves my full attention and focus.

This is coming back into the Tarcoles artesenal fishing cooperative, and when I went to the store today, there were two of the MOST enormous, fat, red snapper I have ever seen, but I was happy and proud of my two fish and will probably be eating them for the next few days.

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