Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Update before I leave

My neighbor and friend, David Yue, found this on the internet, evidence that shows the swirly sand drippings from Tamarindo are, indeed, worm turds. Nice to know.

I am leaving for San Jose area a day later than planned because I will be spending today at the lawyer's office - yet again, but different lawyer - so that I can purchase for way too much money this old heap of a 95 Galloper, a diesel truck-car that spews black smoke and rattles but can get me through tough terrain so that I can explore all those potted, dirt, rocky roads that rental cars hesitate to take!
Home soon, but this is beginning to feel more and more like home. I shall miss the morning bird activity, the enveloping warmth and the stress-free way of life; my goal in teaching this term will be to envelop my students in warmth, bring enticing, engaging activity to class, and keep my work environment friendly and stressless. I can DO this.

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