Saturday, January 2, 2010

It all feels rather familiar...

Here is only ONE of my special friends I discovered this morning on the lawn of this little casita. There are several roosters where made their presence known at the appropriate hour, but why the neighbors were STILL putting off fire works last night was beyond me.

This morning I drove about an hour beyond Quepas to the Manuel Alfred (or something to that effect) park, planning only to scope it out for Tuesday but I was seduced by the beach which was wide, practically empty, flat and waves made their long impressions at each roll. Exquisite with rocks, coral formations and waves crashing over each of them. This town is a gay town - unusual in this macho culture- but the place has steep hills with loads of hotels propped on the edges, overlooking these extraordinary vistas of blue, blue sea and hills and clouds that look made from something even more substantive than cotton.

Now I sit at the seemingly American run Low Tide Lounge, right on the beach in Esterillos Oeste, drinking a $1.50 Imperial, the Costa Rican (Tica) beer of choice and blogging on the Internet. Does it GET any better than this?The only thing that is better is an all Schubert or all Mozart program in Philadelphia!!


  1. Sitting here in FREEZING Philly with a horrific head cold just drooling over your pictures... I hope you're having a wonderful time. Bring a little bit of sunshine back. XOXO

  2. Yeah, we are too chilly here to even think it is possible to be sitting around in a bathing suit drinking a beer. We will live vicariously. Live it up for us, ok?
