Thursday, January 7, 2010
Doggies, kiddies and the other end....
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Everybody should have a lawyer...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
There are moments of tranquility even in Esterillo Oeste...
walked to see if I could see how the ox mama and babe were faring, but she was ignoring her little offspring; she cleaned it and then walked to far for the little fellow to reach her blissfully bountiful udders. Sigh. Ain't that just the way things work? Just when you learn to suck, the source introduces whimsy? Ah, humanity. Ah, Bartleby, or vice versa.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Two whole sand dollars and four Macaws...
I know I have to entice with a photo.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
How would you like to visit this??
what is going to happen, but I shall wait until I meet with lawyer on Tuesday; meanwhile I'm staying out of the sun and reading, minding my Ps and Qs. One can just take so much beauty and peace...
Who is up for a spring fling in Costa Rica?? And yes, that is a papaya tree in the front yard. NeedI say more?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
It all feels rather familiar...
Friday, January 1, 2010
Here it is - Playa Esterillos Oeste
but the waves are thunderous and throbbing, good for the dozens of surfers and the old geezer who lies on his hammock with a big sign over his shop that reads "Surfing Lessons $50 2 hrs." I'm not temped. Yet.
I sat in the shade when the shadows grew long enough to grant me space because I felt an urgency to finish Olive Kitteridge, which is such a glorious book that when I got back to thehouse, I took an outside shower, rolled myself into the hammock and wept through the ending.